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With 5 category nominations, Design102 makes the shortlist

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Animation, Creative, Events, Services, Team
Text reads ‘Shortlisted. Inside Out Awards 2020’ alongside a simple cartoon illustration of a hand with fingers crossed. The image uses Design102 brand colours – navy blue, a lighter blue tint and orange

The Inside Out Awards recognise outstanding in-house creative teams, so as the government’s in-house design service, we thought we’d enter some of our projects and people. Now the shortlist’s out, find out which awards we’re up for.

Tackling race discrimination – how, why and when?

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Advice, Creative, Services, Team
Black and white photo of Peter Rainey, Design102 MD, against a white background with the title Tackling Discrimination

Peter Rainey, Design102 MD, discusses the importance of tackling discrimination. At Design102, our actions range from increased education and having uncomfortable conversations to listening, understanding and restating our commitment to building a truly inclusive workplace.

The Digital Communications Awards results are in. But did we win?

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Case studies, Creative, Events, Illustration, Team
Three images stacked together. In the portrait image on the left, a poster sits on an easel. The poster has the Digital Communications Awards logo in the top left corner and the words Ready For Take Off in front a red and black hued image of swirling star clusters in the cosmos. The top right image features the Digital Communications Awards logo in the bottom left corner, the word Jury Meetings 08:30-17:55 hours in the top left and an image of the planet Saturn in white against a black background. The word Saturn is written horizontal and in white alongside the planet image. The bottom right image is white bowl containing a selection blue, green, pink, yellow and white flying saucer sherbet sweets.

Digital Communications Awards celebrate brands, campaigns and innovations that lead the way in online communications across the world. We entered our ‘Journey to GCHQ’ campaign – but did we win? Learn how we fared against an incredible 6,000 other applicants.

Creating a rich picture and animation to illustrate Smarter Working

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Animation, Creative, Illustration
A still image from the animation framework showing the ‘bare bones’ of the character rigging used to animate the action of movement in areas such as arms, legs and walking so our characters could go about their smarter working day. The rigging is comprised of different coloured sticks connected by dots that represent limbs and joints the limbs and joints of three humanoid shapes, two sitting and one standing. The sticks and dots can be manipulated to portray movement when illustrative graphics are overlaid

Follow the process we used to create the engaging ‘rich picture’ visual illustration of smarter working scenarios and principles within the Civil Service. Also view the short animated film we created, featuring those illustrated scenes, to further expand on details.

Learn how our designs help challenge myths about hiring ex-offenders

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Case studies, Creative
Image of Tyler, a Greene King chef and ex-offender, working in a kitchen

Recruiting ex-offenders can change lives. Ministry of Justice asked us to showcase a success story from the Education and Employment Strategy, to encourage businesses to hire and train ex-offenders. Learn how our designs helped challenge myths around hiring ex-offenders.

Designing sensitively: how we presented the MoJ stillbirths consultation

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Animation, Creative
Image featuring the words 'Take part in the consultation' in white against a pale green background, above a graphic of an origami bird surrounded by clouds

Thoughtful design is essential when dealing with a sensitive topic. Ministry of Justice called for responses to a government consultation on laws around coroners investigating stillbirths. Here, we discuss the social media assets we created to support the consultation.