It brings me great pleasure to announce that Design102 has been shortlisted for this year’s Inside Out Awards! The team has been shortlisted in 5 categories – 2 for projects, 1 for the whole team and 2 for individual team members.
Being finalists for a national award is a huge achievement. Our work has been reviewed by industry experts, appraised, discussed and debated at length.
Making the shortlist in multiple categories is a testament to our hard work and dedication to making a difference to design across government – showcasing exceptional creativity, originality, teamwork and impact.
This also offers a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the team, boost morale, motivate and encourage further innovation and creativity in this challenging time.
And the categories are…
I’ll admit that when we submitted the entries, I hoped we would be shortlisted for at least 1 – I never imagined that we would make it for 5! The categories we have been shortlisted for showcase some of the great work Design102 has produced within the past year and really highlight the impact we are having on design and communication across government.
Best example of internal collaboration – Ministry of Justice, Hidden Heroes
We worked with MoJ on this social media campaign to celebrate and thank staff for their hard work through the COVID-19 crisis. Those working in prisons and probation, youth custody, courts and tribunals deliver vital public services, but aren’t typically at the front of people’s minds when they think of ‘key workers’.

We produced social media content weekly, using the hashtags #JusticeHeroes and #HiddenHeroes, to coincide with the Thursday night clap for NHS workers.
It ended up being one of MoJ’s most successful social media campaigns ever! It even received support from some famous faces – including Ross Kemp. We’re really proud that we proved our value during a time of crisis. Plus, the concept can be used beyond COVID-19 to continue to motivate staff.
What’s a great idea? – Ministry of Justice, Stillbirths Consultation
MoJ asked us to create a set of animations for social media, to inform the public about a consultation on the laws around coroners investigating stillbirths.
It was a unique brief that was particularly challenging because of the sensitivity of the topic. We had to find a way to gently encourage people to give their views on a very painful and personal experience.

We took an abstract approach to imagery, using handmade origami shapes to show care and humanity. Anything too flashy wouldn’t be appropriate, so we decided on a ‘back-to-basics’ feel.
The animations were widely shared by charities and ‘mummy bloggers’, and the consultation received an incredibly high response rate. This meant that bereaved parents and professionals with experience of stillbirth got to have their say in shaping policy.
In-house creative team of the year – Design102
We’ve been providing creative communication support to central government for over 6 years now, helping departments work more efficiently and effectively, and saving them money. So it’s great to be recognised in our capacity as an in-house team.

I’m particularly pleased with this nomination as it acknowledges the contribution of everyone on the team. Our wide range of skills include graphic design, illustration, animation, writing, copyediting, filmmaking, photography and strategic communication. Every project we work on is a group effort, with people with different roles and backgrounds contributing to make our work a success.

Leaders and champions – Peter Rainey, Managing Director
Rising star award – Leo Bowyer, Graphic Designer
A big congratulations goes to Peter and Leo for their individual nominations. Peter has led Design102 from the beginning, working hard to establish us within government and growing the team from 14 to 68 in just 6 years. Under Peter’s direction we have hit our targets year on year and saved the government over £1 million a year.
And Leo is a real creative thinker who encourages us all to think differently. In fact, he developed the carefully considered concept behind the Stillbirths Consultation animation.
The winners will be announced during Adobe Max – The Creativity Conference, 20–22 October. So not long to wait!
Whatever happens, this has been a wonderful morale boost for the whole fantastic team during these uncertain and worrying times.
If you’d like to know more about Design102 or you’ve got a project we can help with, just drop us a line at
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